MELODY OSBORNe, School Counselor, Grades 6 & 7
Belinda Hotchkiss, school counselor, Grades 6 & 8
Meigs Magnet School Counselor:
Get to know us!
The counseling team at Meigs Academic Middle Magnet School is looking forward to working with students. Here are answers to some questions you might have about our program and the people who provide it.
Who is on the counseling team?
Melody Osborne serves as the counselor for grades 6 & 7.
Belinda Hotchkiss serves as the counselor for grades 6 & 8.
What services are provided?
The Meigs Academic Middle Magnet School counseling program serves students through individual counseling, classroom guidance sessions, group counseling, standardized testing, and parent/teacher consultation. Parents can count on us for help when they have concerns about academic achievement, test interpretation, registration, orientation, and school transition, child/adolescent development, special student needs, crisis situations, family transitions, and educational planning.
What might my student want to discuss with the counselor?
Anything that affects a student and his/her ability to be successful is appropriate to discuss with the counselor. Common topics include: organization, time management, developing effective study habits, educational/career planning, handling peer/family/teacher relationships, anger management, dealing with the effects of divorce, death or other family situations.
How can parents get help from the counseling team?
We hope you'll feel free to contact us using the information below. If you'd like to see the counselors in person we encourage you to call and make an appointment. Often, when parents "drop in," counselors are engaged in other activities with students, and we don't want you to be disappointed if we're not available. Making an appointment allows us to prepare in advance for your conference and devote our full attention to your needs.
For assistance with Infinite Campus or for student records such as transferring records to another school, copy of a birth certificate, shot records, etc. please contact Student Services.
Get to know us!
The counseling team at Meigs Academic Middle Magnet School is looking forward to working with students. Here are answers to some questions you might have about our program and the people who provide it.
Who is on the counseling team?
Melody Osborne serves as the counselor for grades 6 & 7.
Belinda Hotchkiss serves as the counselor for grades 6 & 8.
What services are provided?
The Meigs Academic Middle Magnet School counseling program serves students through individual counseling, classroom guidance sessions, group counseling, standardized testing, and parent/teacher consultation. Parents can count on us for help when they have concerns about academic achievement, test interpretation, registration, orientation, and school transition, child/adolescent development, special student needs, crisis situations, family transitions, and educational planning.
What might my student want to discuss with the counselor?
Anything that affects a student and his/her ability to be successful is appropriate to discuss with the counselor. Common topics include: organization, time management, developing effective study habits, educational/career planning, handling peer/family/teacher relationships, anger management, dealing with the effects of divorce, death or other family situations.
How can parents get help from the counseling team?
We hope you'll feel free to contact us using the information below. If you'd like to see the counselors in person we encourage you to call and make an appointment. Often, when parents "drop in," counselors are engaged in other activities with students, and we don't want you to be disappointed if we're not available. Making an appointment allows us to prepare in advance for your conference and devote our full attention to your needs.
For assistance with Infinite Campus or for student records such as transferring records to another school, copy of a birth certificate, shot records, etc. please contact Student Services.
GRADES 6 & 8
Counselor: Belinda Hotchkiss
GRADES 6 & 7
Counselor: Melody Osborne
- Pathway to Hume-Fogg (Not Yet Available for 2025-2026 School Year)
- 7 Myths About Child Mental Health - By Harold S. Koplewicz, MD - Child Mind Institute
- 5 Anxiety Reduction Tools - Allison J. Edwards
- CMI (Crisis Management Institute)