The staff of Meigs Academic Magnet School believes the environment of the classroom and the overall school should be orderly and free from disruption. We believe that our students can and should behave appropriately. We believe that appropriate behavior should be modeled, encouraged, and acknowledged. These beliefs have led to the development of our revised school-wide discipline plan.
Expectations for Student Behavior: The Three R’s
In support of our beliefs, we have established the following three major expectations for student behavior:
Expectations for Student Behavior: The Three R’s
In support of our beliefs, we have established the following three major expectations for student behavior:
- We will be RESPECTFUL.
•Be kind to self and others •Take care of school property •Dress appropriately for school •Be positive - We will be RESPONSIBLE.
•Make good choices
•Take care of yourself.
•Keep up with your books, pencils, jackets, etc.
•Complete work on time.
•Carry ID Badge at all times
•Be on time for school and class
•Come to class prepared for success by bringing necessary materials - We will be RESOURCEFUL.
- Solve problems
- Locate needed information on your own before asking teachers for assistance
- Use materials wisely, recycling when possible
Honor Code
As a Meigs student, it is my responsibility to be academically honest at all times. I understand that cheating, dishonesty, and the misuse of the work of others and falsely claiming it as my own, constitute behavior that is contrary to the sense of who we are as a community.
I understand that academic dishonesty is not only disrespectful to our academic community as a whole, but also unfair to individiuals in our community who work diligently and honestly to complete assignments in a proper mannerii. At Meigs, we declare that cheating and dishonesty in any form is inconsistent with our values and aspirations, and in particular, the following forms of behavior will not be tolerated at our school:
described forms of dishonesty is equally guilty of the kind of behavior that we as a community will not tolerate. We acknowledge that we as students have unique opportunities to discourage, disrupt, and diminish acts of cheating and other forms of dishonesty as we observe or learn of them, and we understand that the faculty and administration of Meigs are committed to protect and ensure the confidentiality of any conversations we may have with them about our observations or awareness of acts of dishonesty. |
Rewards Day/Meigs Moolah
When students meet or exceed school behavioral expectations, they may receive Meigs Moolah. Also, students will have the opportunity to participate in various activities.
Grading SCALE