BREAKFAST & LUNCH are provided Free of Charge
Breakfast & Lunch are served daily in the cafeteria. Students should arrive by 7:30 a.m. if eating breakfast. Lunch is Free. Students are welcome to pack their own lunches and bring them to school.
The Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools’ Nutrition Services Department serves more than 8.4 million lunches and 4 million breakfasts during the school year. The program is an extension of the educational programs of the school system. Our program is funded under the National School Lunch Act and Child Nutrition Act. The United States Department of Agriculture administers federal laws regulating the food program through the regional office and by the Tennessee State Department of Education.
The Nutrition Services Program is designed to support the education of the students in the MNPS school district by providing nutritious, well-balanced meals that a diverse group of students will enjoy. This school year all breakfasts and lunch meals are provided to all enrolled students at no charge. The menus are planned by a Registered Dietitian and many items are tested by the students. The students are our customers and without them we would not be here. We strongly believe that we are feeding our future.
The Nutrition Services Program is designed to support the education of the students in the MNPS school district by providing nutritious, well-balanced meals that a diverse group of students will enjoy. This school year all breakfasts and lunch meals are provided to all enrolled students at no charge. The menus are planned by a Registered Dietitian and many items are tested by the students. The students are our customers and without them we would not be here. We strongly believe that we are feeding our future.
7th Grade- 10:10AM
8th Grade- 11:55AM 6th Grade A- 11:15AM 6th Grade B- 11:15AM 6th Grade C/D- 12:40PM |
Lunch Visitors and birthday party policy
Birthday parties are not allowed during school hours. If parents wish, they may send in a healthy snack (See policy at to be eaten during lunch time in the cafeteria. You are always welcome to join your child for lunch. Please sign in at the front office. Birthday party invitations may not be given out at school, unless invitations are brought for every child in the classroom.