Meigs Middle Magnet School Discipline Plan
The staff of Meigs Middle Magnet School believes that no one has the right to disturb the learning environment. We believe that our students can and should behave appropriately. We believe that appropriate behavior should be modeled, encouraged and acknowledged. Those beliefs have led to the development of our school-wide discipline plan.
Our plan carries key elements of research-based classroom management programs which state that positive behavior has a positive effect on classroom instruction, and, therefore, student retention of material. Our plan acknowledges that when rules are broken, consequences occur. Conversely, we know that good behavior should be recognized. Students should be motivated to behave appropriately; sometimes, tangible rewards will encourage students to become accustomed to appropriate behavior. The Meigs discipline plan has enough flexibility to allow staff members to counsel students who may not understand the reasons for certain rules and procedures. Classroom teachers have flexibility as well in methods of motivation and individual classroom expectations. In support of our beliefs, we have established the following Three Major Expectations for Behavior. (Examples of each follow each expectation:) Students will be RESPECTFUL. · Be kind to self and others (bullying and harassment will not be tolerated) · Take care of school property · Listen courteously to instruction, directions, etc. · Respect personal space.( keep hands, feet, objects to self) · Listen when others are talking · Dress appropriately for school · Be positive. (keep negative comments to self) · Be on time for school/class Students will be RESPONSIBLE. · Make good choices · Take care of yourself · Keep up with your books, pencils, jackets, etc. · Complete work on time · Listen and follow directions · Carry ID Badge at all times Students will be RESOURCEFUL. • Come to class prepared for success • Have needed materials (paper, pencil, planner, books, etc.) · Try to solve problems or locate needed information on your own before asking teachers for assistance · Use materials wisely, recycling when possible |