MEIgs Academic Magnet School follows all the rules and procedures provided in the MNPS Student-Parent Handbook.
Student Behaviors Referred to the Office
At Meigs we believe in progressive discipline whereby teachers use a classroom discipline plan to handle most inappropriate behavior. However, a more serious violation or repeated misbehaviors will result in a discipline referral being sent to the office. Disciplinary Referral consequences may include the following: Restorative Conference or Local Discipline, In School Suspension (ISS), Out of School Suspension (OSS), or Expulsion. All Zero Tolerance offenses defined by state law require a mandatory expulsion of 180 school days.
Serious violations referred to the office may include the following:
At Meigs we believe in progressive discipline whereby teachers use a classroom discipline plan to handle most inappropriate behavior. However, a more serious violation or repeated misbehaviors will result in a discipline referral being sent to the office. Disciplinary Referral consequences may include the following: Restorative Conference or Local Discipline, In School Suspension (ISS), Out of School Suspension (OSS), or Expulsion. All Zero Tolerance offenses defined by state law require a mandatory expulsion of 180 school days.
Serious violations referred to the office may include the following:
- Extreme disruption of the school environment
- Abusive and/or profane language used against a fellow student or staff member
- Fighting or hitting
- Theft
- Vandalism or Graffiti
- All Zero Tolerance offenses as outlined in the MNPS Student-Parent Handbook.
MNPS Progressive Attendance Intervention Strategy Process
There is a direct correlation between student attendance and student achievement. Attendance is vital to academic success.
1-4 absences (excused and unexcused)
5 absences (excused and unexcused)
7 absences (excused and unexcused)
10 absences (excused and unexcused)
11 absences (excused and excused)
There is a direct correlation between student attendance and student achievement. Attendance is vital to academic success.
1-4 absences (excused and unexcused)
- School personnel talks to student and calls parents to discuss absences.
5 absences (excused and unexcused)
- Attendance secretary will run attendance reports each week to identify students with 5 or more absences.
- School personnel will conduct an attendance assessment with each student or parent, and relay thatinformation to the school counselor.
- School counselor collaborates with the school MTSS team to assign student to appropriate support provider or program to address attendance barriers through the collaborative referral process.
7 absences (excused and unexcused)
- Attendance team member has an attendance conference with parent and student and creates an
- attendance plan.
- The attendance conference will take place via phone conference or virtual conference.
- Attendance team continues progress monitoring.
- Attendance team evaluates the effectiveness of the interventions.
- Attendance team continues progress monitoring.
10 absences (excused and unexcused)
- The 10-day, no show procedures will be followed if absences are consecutive.
- Attendance team will decide the next level of intervention.
- All absences after 10 will require a doctor’s note to be excused.
- Attendance team continues progress monitoring.
11 absences (excused and excused)
- Attendance team continues progress monitoring.
Meigs Cell Phone & Electronic Device Policy
At Meigs we encourage student use of technology. Therefore, students may possess a cell phone, iPad, Kindle or other electronic device while at school or school related events. However, during school hours (7:30 am-3:00 pm) electronic devices must remain off, not on vibrate, and must remain concealed, out of sight, unless used with teacher permission as part of a classroom activity. The MNPS Policy and the Meigs Acceptable Use Policy Applies to student use of electronic devices and the Internet during and outside of school hours.
A Behavior Referral will be entered each time.
1st offense:
-Phone confiscated and brought to the office.
-Phone call to parent by Admin.
-Student may pick up phone at the end of the day.
2nd offense:
-Phone confiscated and brought to the office.
-Phone call to parent by Admin.
-Parent must come to Meigs to pick up the phone.
-3 days ISS.
-Beginning the next school day from confiscation, student is required to turn in the phone at the beginning of the day and pick up at the end of the day.
3rd offense:
-Phone confiscated and brought to the office.
-Phone call to parent by Admin.
-Parent must come to Meigs to pick up the phone.
-Minimum of 1 day OSS.
-Cell phone not allowed on Meigs campus for the duration of this policy.
At Meigs we encourage student use of technology. Therefore, students may possess a cell phone, iPad, Kindle or other electronic device while at school or school related events. However, during school hours (7:30 am-3:00 pm) electronic devices must remain off, not on vibrate, and must remain concealed, out of sight, unless used with teacher permission as part of a classroom activity. The MNPS Policy and the Meigs Acceptable Use Policy Applies to student use of electronic devices and the Internet during and outside of school hours.
A Behavior Referral will be entered each time.
1st offense:
-Phone confiscated and brought to the office.
-Phone call to parent by Admin.
-Student may pick up phone at the end of the day.
2nd offense:
-Phone confiscated and brought to the office.
-Phone call to parent by Admin.
-Parent must come to Meigs to pick up the phone.
-3 days ISS.
-Beginning the next school day from confiscation, student is required to turn in the phone at the beginning of the day and pick up at the end of the day.
3rd offense:
-Phone confiscated and brought to the office.
-Phone call to parent by Admin.
-Parent must come to Meigs to pick up the phone.
-Minimum of 1 day OSS.
-Cell phone not allowed on Meigs campus for the duration of this policy.