we want you to hear from us & WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU
Communication at a magnet school that serves all of MNPS, Davidson County is a challenge. Please review and subscribe to our communication tools. Contact the office if you need emails and phone numbers updated.
TEXT NotificationsYou must opt in to receive text reminders for the PTO. Look for sign up information in your first day folder. We purge our list at the end of each school year. We are using REMIND.
Some teachers also use Remind for their classroom communications. Information will be provided by your teacher. MEIGS MEMOSWeekly Email Summary from the Meigs Administration. If you are properly subscribed to the Evrits List Serve you will receive this correspondence weekly.
Evrits List Serve and Directory,
Sometimes it is necessary for parents to get a message to students during the school day. Please do not call your child’s teacher and leave a message, since the teacher may not check voice mail until after the end of the day. Instead, please call the main office and speak to Mrs. Forrest. They will take your message and place it on the message tack board. Your child will be called to the office at the end of the day during the afternoon announcements to get the message.
NOTE: If you text your child, they still must come to the office and get their message. We have no way of knowing if you child received a text or their message unless they come to the office. Watch a great video made by the Meigs Media Team on how the message board system works. |